Archive for the 'Misc' Category

Really? Really! Why is alicestep withholding my stepmania supercell/nagi fix?

All right, so who's funny idea was this? Who must I kill?

Not having anything else to post on I play stepmania. I was just on my routine simfile checks, specifically searching for supercell/nagi さよならメモリーズ Sayonara memories simfile. I managed to snag one, courtesy of AGR, but it turned out to be the low quality music one ripped from supercell’s site. A thought hit me. Alicestep has never failed me yet!
Yes, success! And full ver too, just what I was looking for. *kachi*


Moonspeak in red states open period for public until 2/26

What is….I don’t even…
Just why?
What’s even more sad is 550000 bots people got there before me. I just don’t understand why you would take it off, it isn’t like you are hosting the file or anything… *sigh*
Vid of said simfile.
..Well I was going to embed the player, but. The limitations of is becoming increasingly apparent.
said video

Hiatus until further notice

animeYes, the title says it all. It becomes viciously apparent that my lifestyle has to change between my increasingly time-consuming hobby, and my responsibilities I have for myself. I made a choice. I have decided to choose the latter. I have decided to set everything aside, and focus on what is most important to me right now; and that is getting into med school. I know. It’s blasphemous, isn’t it? I can already feel

    *insert bishoujo/trap here*

‘s pleading eyes on me. It was short, but I hope to be back in action asap. Until next time.

I Spy 11 Eyes

I’ve been playing through 11 eyes Tsumi to batsu to Aganai no Shojo – 罪と罰と贖いの少女. It’s quickly rising in my ranks of VNs. Stumbling across this image, I just had to share it. How many items can you identify? The best I can manage is a shaky 8. Have at it.

Ef-A tale of memories/melodies blu-ray review


And so it has arrived. Being a big fan of both the anime and the games, this blu-ray release was a must get. And it didn’t disappoint. Read more after the jump.

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Vocaloid Madness

I'm sure everyone has seen Miku at least once somewhere.

I'm sure everyone has seen Miku-sama at least once somewhere.

So I was surfing the net, and I inevitably stumbled across some videos with Hatsune Miku goodness.  I just can’t get over on how perfect Miku, as a charcter, is.  From her attractive appearance and attire, to her delectable voice, Miku would make a perfect waifu. In hopes of becoming a Vocaloid god Being inspired by Miku’s perfection, I finally got around to messing with Vocaloid; comparable to opening Pandora’s Box.  Read more after the jump.

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Touhou anime for next Comiket


Someone pinch me.  The day I have been dreaming of has finally arrived.  There will be a doijin made anime Musou Kakyou ( 夢想夏郷) that will be available on dvd at the upcoming Comiket.  I was surprised to see the names of some professional seiyuu such as Miyuki Sawashiro and Mai Nakahara.  Full details are available here (Jap).  Can’t wait.

A sneak peak at Clannad: After Story. Oh my.

Despite my decision to hold off on watching After story until I completed the Clannad game in its entirety, I wasn’t able to hold back. I watched the OP for Clannad: After Story. I’m speechless. I’m in love. Again. Everything is perfect. The music, the nostalgia, the animation. It looks like Kyoani will actually cover some more of the side routes as well as the after story this time around. Surprisingly, this has renewed my determination to hold back from watching the anime. Now excuse me while I go finish the game.

Anime blogging woes already????

Sad girl in snow

Look! A Distraction. Sad girl in snow

Staring blankly at a white screen with a blinking cursor for hours isn’t fun. Why is it that I find it hard to come up with posts of substance for my most favorite and beloved hobby? Why is it that when confronted with the pressure of writing enough posts to start this blog, I come up blank? Rather than write said posts, with sudden intense interest, I start to study and count the number of holes in my ceiling. Writer’s block? Maybe not? Read more after the jump.

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Insert witty caption here.

Insert witty caption here.

Its finally here! Translation and patch released in record speed! Seriously I think this might be a first. I think they started in June. Maybe this can be an example to other translation groups who, unfortunately, won’t be named. Eh? Making my rounds on the web, I noticed that not only is the beta for the translation patch of Chaos;Head released, but apparently there is an anime as well :o. Curse you backlogged anime! Seeing as how Madhouse is producing the anime, I think I’ll hold off on the anime until I complete the VN first. Not that I dislike Madhouse or anything, but I usually find that the original source is always better than an adaptation. The only good adaptations that rivaled the originals was Honey and Clover and Air. Kyoani FTW anybody?

If you are interested, here’s some links. Dozo.

Take your time. Look around.


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戯画『 bitter smile 』応援バナー企画参加中!
2010.3.26発売のLime新作『Maximum Magic』を応援しています!
PrismRhythm -プリズムリズム-応援中!